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Chapter 1. Getting To Know Python
Chapter 2. The Power Of Introspection
Chapter 3. An Object-Oriented Framework
Chapter 1. Getting To Know Python
Here is a complete, working Python program.
Python has functions like most other languages, but it does not have separate header files like C++ or interface/implementation sections like Pascal. When you need a function, just declare it and code it.
You can document a Python function by giving it a docstring.
A function, like everything else in Python, is an object.
Python functions have no explicit begin or end, no curly braces that would mark where the function code starts and stops. The only delimiter is a colon (“:”) and the indentation of the code itself.
Python modules are objects and have several useful attributes. You can use this to easily test your modules as you write them.
One of Python's built-in datatypes is the dictionary, which defines one-to-one relationships between keys and values.
Lists are Python's workhorse datatype. If your only experience with lists is arrays in Visual Basic or (God forbid) the datastore in Powerbuilder, brace yourself for Python lists.
A tuple is an immutable list. A tuple can not be changed in any way once it is created.
Python has local and global variables like most other languages, but it has no explicit variable declarations. Variables spring into existence by being assigned a value, and are automatically destroyed when they go out of scope.
One of the cooler programming shortcuts in Python is using sequences to assign multiple values at once.
Python supports formatting values into strings. Although this can include very complicated expressions, the most basic usage is to insert values into a string with the %s placeholder.
One of the most powerful features of Python is the list comprehension, which provides a compact way of mapping a list into another list by applying a function to each of the elements of the list.
You have a list of key-value pairs in the form key=value, and you want to join them into a single string. To join any list of strings into a single string, use the join method of a string object.
The odbchelper.py program and its output should now make perfect sense.
Chapter 2. The Power Of Introspection
Here is a complete, working Python program. You should understand a good deal about it just by looking at it. The numbered lines illustrate concepts covered in Getting To Know Python. Don't worry if the rest of the code looks intimidating; you'll learn all about it throughout this chapter.
Python allows function arguments to have default values; if the function is called without the argument, the argument gets its default value. Futhermore, arguments can be specified in any order by using named arguments. Stored procedures in SQL Server Transact/SQL can do this; if you're a SQL Server scripting guru, you can skim this part.
Python has a small set of extremely useful built-in functions. All other functions are partitioned off into modules. This was actually a conscious design decision, to keep the core language from getting bloated like other scripting languages (cough cough, Visual Basic).
You already know that Python functions are objects. What you don't know is that you can get a reference to a function without knowing its name until run-time, using the getattr function.
As you know, Python has powerful capabilities for mapping lists into other lists, via list comprehensions. This can be combined with a filtering mechanism, where some elements in the list are mapped while others are skipped entirely.
In Python, and and or perform boolean logic as you would expect, but they do not return boolean values; they return one of the actual values they are comparing.
Python supports an interesting syntax that lets you define one-line mini-functions on the fly. Borrowed from Lisp, these so-called lambda functions can be used anywhere a function is required.
The last line of code, the only one we haven't deconstructed yet, is the one that does all the work. But by now the work is easy, because everything we need is already set up just the way we need it. All the dominoes are in place; it's time to knock them down.
The apihelper.py program and its output should now make perfect sense.
Chapter 3. An Object-Oriented Framework
Here is a complete, working Python program. Read the docstrings of the module, the classes, and the functions to get an overview of what this program does and how it works. As usual, don't worry about the stuff you don't understand; that's what the rest of the chapter is for.
Python has two ways of importing modules. Both are useful, and you should know when to use each. One way, import module, you've already seen in chapter 1. The other way accomplishes the same thing but works in subtlely and importantly different ways.
Python is fully object-oriented: you can define your own classes, inherit from your own or built-in classes, and instantiate the classes you've defined.
Instantiating classes in Python is straightforward. To instantiate a class, simply call the class as if it were a function, passing the arguments that the __init__ method defines. The return value will be the newly created object.
As you've seen, FileInfo is a class that acts like a dictionary. To explore this further, let's look at the UserDict class in the UserDict module, which is the ancestor of our FileInfo class. This is nothing special; the class is written in Python and stored in a .py file, just like our code. In particular, it's stored in the lib directory in your Python installation.
In addition to normal class methods, there are a number of special methods which Python classes can define. Instead of being called directly by your code (like normal methods), special methods are called for you by Python in particular circumstances or when specific syntax is used.
There are more special methods than just __getitem__ and __setitem__. Some of them let you emulate functionality that you may not even know about.
You already know about data attributes, which are variables owned by a specific instance of a class. Python also supports class attributes, which are variables owned by the class itself.
Like most languages, Python has the concept of private functions, which can not be called from outside their module; private class methods, which can not be called from outside their class; and private attributes, which can not be accessed from outside their class. Unlike most languages, whether a Python function, method, or attribute is private or public is determined entirely by its name.
Like many object-oriented languages, Python has exception handling via try...except blocks.
Python has a built-in function, open, for opening a file on disk. open returns a file object, which has methods and attributes for getting information about and manipulating the opened file.
Like most other languages, Python has for loops. The only reason you haven't seen them until now is that Python is good at so many other things that you don't need them as often.
Modules, like everything else in Python, are objects. Once imported, you can always get a reference to a module through the global dictionary sys.modules.
The os module has lots of useful functions for manipulating files and processes, and os.path has functions for manipulating file and directory paths.
Once again, all the dominoes are in place. We've seen how each line of code works. Now let's step back and see how it all fits together.
The fileinfo.py program should now make perfect sense.
I often see questions on comp.lang.python like “How can I list all the [headers|images|links] in my HTML document?” “How do I [parse|translate|munge] the text of my HTML document but leave the tags alone?” “How can I [add|remove|quote] attributes of all my HTML tags at once?” This chapter will answer all of these questions.
HTML processing is broken into three steps: breaking down the HTML into its constituent pieces, fiddling with the pieces, and reconstructing the pieces into HTML again. The first step is done by sgmllib.py, a part of the standard Python library.
To extract data from HTML documents, subclass the SGMLParser class and define methods for each tag or entity you want to capture.
SGMLParser doesn't produce anything by itself. It parses and parses and parses, and it calls a method for each interesting thing it finds, but the methods don't do anything. SGMLParser is an HTML consumer: it takes HTML and breaks it down into small, structured pieces. As you saw in the previous section, you can subclass SGMLParser to define classes that catch specific tags and produce useful things, like a list of all the links on a web page. Now we'll take this one step further by defining a class that catches everything SGMLParser throws at it and reconstructs the complete HTML document. In technical terms, this class will be an HTML producer.
Python has two built-in functions, locals and globals, which provide dictionary-based access to local and global variables.
There is an alternative form of string formatting that uses dictionaries instead of tuples of values.
A common question on comp.lang.python is “I have a bunch of HTML documents with unquoted attribute values, and I want to properly quote them all. How can I do this?”[10] (This is generally precipitated by a project manager who has found the HTML-is-a-standard religion joining a large project and proclaiming that all pages must validate against an HTML validator. Unquoted attribute values are a common violation of the HTML standard.) Whatever the reason, unquoted attribute values are easy to fix by feeding HTML through BaseHTMLProcessor.
Dialectizer is a simple (and silly) descendant of BaseHTMLProcessor. It runs blocks of text through a series of substitutions, but it makes sure that anything within a <pre>...</pre> block passes through unaltered.
Regular expressions are a powerful (and fairly standardized) way of searching, replacing, and parsing text with complex patterns of characters. If you've used regular expressions in other languages (like Perl), you should skip this section and just read the summary of the re module to get an overview of the available functions and their arguments.
Sorry, you've reached the end of the chapter that's been written so far. Please check back at https://book.diveintopython.org/ to see if there are any updates.
In previous chapters, we “dived in” by immediately looking at code and trying to understanding it as quickly as possible. Now that you have some Python under your belt, we're going to step back and look at the steps that happen before the code gets written.
Now that we've completely defined the behavior we expect from our conversion functions, we're going to do something a little unexpected: we're going to write a test suite that puts these functions through their paces and makes sure that they behave the way we want them to. You read that right: we're going to write code that tests code that we haven't written yet.
The most fundamental part of unit testing is constructing individual test cases. A test case answers a single question about the code it is testing.
It is not enough to test that our functions succeed when given good input; we must also test that they fail when given bad input. And not just any sort of failure; they must fail in the way we expect.
Often, you will find that a unit of code contains a set of reciprocal functions, usually in the form of conversion functions where one converts A to B and the other converts B to A. In these cases, it is useful to create a “sanity check” to make sure that you can convert A to B and back to A without losing decimal precision, incurring rounding errors, or triggering any other sort of bug.
Now that our unit test is complete, it's time to start writing the code that our test cases are attempting to test. We're going to do this in stages, so we can see all the unit tests fail, then watch them pass one by one as we fill in the gaps in roman.py.
Now that we have the framework of our roman module laid out, it's time to start writing code and passing test cases.
Now that toRoman behaves correctly with good input (integers from 1 to 3999), it's time to make it behave correctly with bad input (everything else).
Now that toRoman is done, it's time to start coding fromRoman. Thanks to our rich data structure that maps individual Roman numerals to integer values, this is no more difficult than the toRoman function.
Now that fromRoman works properly with good input, it's time to fit in the last piece of the puzzle: making it work properly with bad input. That means finding a way to look at a string and determine if it's a valid Roman numeral. This is inherently more difficult than validating numeric input in toRoman, but we have a powerful tool at our disposal: regular expressions.
Despite your best efforts to write comprehensive unit tests, bugs happen. What do I mean by “bug”? A bug is a test case you haven't written yet.
Despite your best efforts to pin your customers to the ground and extract exact requirements from them on pain of horrible nasty things involving scissors and hot wax, requirements will change. Most customers don't know what they want until they see it, and even if they do, they aren't that good at articulating what they want precisely enough to be useful. And even if they do, they'll want more in the next release anyway. So be prepared to update your test cases as requirements change.
The best thing about comprehensive unit testing is not the feeling you get when all your test cases finally pass, or even the feeling you get when someone else blames you for breaking their code and you can actually prove that you didn't. The best thing about unit testing is that it gives you the freedom to refactor mercilessly.
Unit testing is a powerful concept which, if properly implemented, can both reduce maintenance costs and increase flexibility in any long-term project. It is also important to understand that unit testing is not a panacea, a Magic Problem Solver, or a silver bullet. Writing good test cases is hard, and keeping them up to date takes discipline (especially when customers are screaming for critical bug fixes). Unit testing is not a replacement for other forms of testing, including functional testing, integration testing, and user acceptance testing. But it is feasible, and it does work, and once you've seen it work, you'll wonder how you ever got along without it.
Chapter 1. Getting To Know Python
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In the Python IDE on Windows, you can run a module with File->Run... (Ctrl-R). Output is displayed in the interactive window. |
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In the Python IDE on Mac OS, you can run a module with Python->Run window... (Cmd-R), but there is an important option you must set first. Open the module in the IDE, pop up the module's options menu by clicking the black triangle in the upper-right corner of the window, and make sure “Run as __main__” is checked. This setting is saved with the module, so you only have to do this once per module. |
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On UNIX-compatible systems (including Mac OS X), you can run a module from the command line: python odbchelper.py |
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In Visual Basic, functions (that return a value) start with function, and subroutines (that do not return a value) start with sub. There are no subroutines in Python. Everything is a function, all functions return a value (even if it's None), and all functions start with def. |
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In Java, C++, and other strongly-typed languages, you must specify the datatype of the function return value and each function argument. In Python, you never explicitly specify the datatype of anything. Based on what value you assign, Python keeps track of the datatype internally. |
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Triple quotes are also an easy way to define a string with both single and double quotes, like qq/.../ in Perl. |
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Many Python IDEs use the docstring to provide context-sensitive documentation, so that when you type a function name, its docstring appears as a tooltip. This can be incredibly helpful, but it's only as good as the docstrings you write. |
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import in Python is like require in Perl. Once you import a Python module, you access its functions with module.function; once you require a Perl module, you access its functions with module::function. |
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Python uses carriage returns to separate statements and a colon and indentation to separate code blocks. C++ and Java use semicolons to separate statements and curly braces to separate code blocks. |
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Like C, Python uses == for comparison and = for assignment. Unlike C, Python does not support in-line assignment, so there's no chance of accidentally assigning the value you thought you were comparing. |
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On MacPython, there is an additional step to make the if __name__ trick work. Pop up the module's options menu by clicking the black triangle in the upper-right corner of the window, and make sure Run as __main__ is checked. |
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A dictionary in Python is like a hash in Perl. In Perl, variables which store hashes always start with a % character; in Python, variables can be named anything, and Python keeps track of the datatype internally. |
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A dictionary in Python is like an instance of the Hashtable class in Java. |
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A dictionary in Python is like an instance of the Scripting.Dictionary object in Visual Basic. |
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Dictionaries have no concept of order among elements. It is incorrect to say that the elements are “out of order”; they are simply unordered. This is an important distinction which will annoy you when you want to access the elements of a dictionary in a specific, repeatable order (like alphabetical order by key). There are ways of doing this, they're just not built into the dictionary. |
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A list in Python is like an array in Perl. In Perl, variables which store arrays always start with the @ character; in Python, variables can be named anything, and Python keeps track of the datatype internally. |
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A list in Python is much more than an array in Java (although it can be used as one if that's really all you want out of life). A better analogy would be to the Vector class, which can hold arbitrary objects and can expand dynamically as new items are added. |
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There is no boolean datatype in Python. In a boolean context (like an if statement), 0 is false and all other numbers are true. This extends to other datatypes, too. An empty string (""), an empty list ([]), and an empty dictionary ({}) are all false; all other strings, lists, and dictionaries are true. |
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Tuples can be converted into lists, and vice-versa. The built-in tuple function takes a list and returns a tuple with the same elements, and the list function takes a tuple and returns a list. In effect, tuple freezes a list, and list thaws a tuple. |
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When a command is split among several lines with the line continuation marker (“\”), the continued lines can be indented in any manner; Python's normally stringent indentation rules do not apply. If your Python IDE auto-indents the continued line, you should probably accept its default unless you have a burning reason not to. |
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Strictly speaking, expressions in parentheses, straight brackets, or curly braces (like defining a dictionary) can be split into multiple lines with or without the line continuation character (“\”). I like to include the backslash even when it's not required because I think it makes the code easier to read, but that's a matter of style. |
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String formatting in Python uses the same syntax as the sprintf function in C. |
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join only works on lists of strings; it does not do any type coercion. joining a list that has one or more non-string elements will raise an exception. |
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anystring.split(delimiter, 1) is a useful technique when you want to search a string for a substring and then work with everything before the substring (which ends up in the first element of the returned list) and everything after it (which ends up in the second element). |
Chapter 2. The Power Of Introspection
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The only thing you have to do to call a function is specify a value (somehow) for each required argument; the manner and order in which you do that is up to you. |
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Python comes with excellent reference manuals, which you should peruse thoroughly to learn all the modules Python has to offer. But whereas in most languages you would find yourself referring back to the manuals (or man pages, or, God help you, MSDN) to remind yourself how to use these modules, Python is largely self-documenting. |
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The and-or trick, bool and a or b, will not work like the C expression bool ? a : b when a is false in a boolean context. |
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lambda functions are a matter of style. Using them is never required; anywhere you could use them, you could define a separate normal function and use that instead. I use them in places where I want to encapsulate specific, non-reusable code without littering my code with a lot of little one-line functions. |
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In SQL, you would use IS NULL instead of = NULL to compare a null value. In Python, there is no special syntax; you use == None just like any other comparison. |
Chapter 3. An Object-Oriented Framework
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from module import in Python is like use module in Perl; import module in Python is like require module in Perl. |
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The pass statement in Python is like an empty set of braces ({}) in Java or C. |
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In Python, the ancestor of a class is simply listed in parentheses immediately after the class name. There is no special keyword like extends in Java. |
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Although I won't discuss it in depth in this book, Python supports multiple inheritance. In the parentheses following the class name, you can list as many ancestor classes as you like, separated by commas. |
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By convention, the first argument of any class method (the reference to the current instance) is called self. This argument fills the role of the reserved word this in C++ or Java, but self is not a reserved word in Python, merely a naming convention. Nonetheless, please don't call it anything but self; this is a very strong convention. |
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When defining your class methods, you must explicitly list self as the first argument for each method, including __init__. When you call a method of an ancestor class from within your class, you must include the self argument. But when you call your class method from outside, you do not specify anything for the self argument; you skip it entirely, and Python automatically adds the instance reference for you. I am aware that this is confusing at first; it's not really inconsistent, but it may appear inconsistent because it relies on a distinction (between bound and unbound methods) that you don't know about yet. |
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__init__ methods are optional, but when you define one, you must remember to explicitly call the ancestor's __init__ method. This is more generally true: whenever a descendant wants to extend the behavior of the ancestor, the descendant method must explicitly call the ancestor method at the proper time, with the proper arguments. |
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In Python, simply call a class as if it were a function to create a new instance of the class. There is no explicit new operator like C++ or Java. |
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In the Python IDE on Windows, you can quickly open any module in your library path with File->Locate... (Ctrl-L). |
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Java and Powerbuilder support function overloading by argument list, i.e. one class can have multiple methods with the same name but a different number of arguments, or arguments of different types. Other languages (most notably PL/SQL) even support function overloading by argument name; i.e. one class can have multiple methods with the same name and the same number of arguments of the same type but different argument names. Python supports neither of these; it has no form of function overloading whatsoever. An __init__ method is an __init__ method is an __init__ method, regardless of its arguments. There can be only one __init__ method per class, and if a descendant class has an __init__ method, it always overrides the ancestor __init__ method, even if the descendant defines it with a different argument list. |
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Always assign an initial value to all of an instance's data attributes in the __init__ method. It will save you hours of debugging later. |
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When accessing data attributes within a class, you need to qualify the attribute name: self.attribute. When calling other methods within a class, you need to qualify the method name: self.method. |
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In Java, you determine whether two string variables reference the same physical memory location by using str1 == str2. This is called object identity, and it is written in Python as str1 is str2. To compare string values in Java, you would use str1.equals(str2); in Python, you would use str1 == str2. Java programmers who have been taught to believe that the world is a better place because == in Java compares by identity instead of by value may have a difficult time adjusting to Python's lack of such “gotchas”. |
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While other object-oriented languages only let you define the physical model of an object (“this object has a GetLength method”), Python's special class methods like __len__ allow you to define the logical model of an object (“this object has a length”). |
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In Java, both static variables (called class attributes in Python) and instance variables (called data attributes in Python) are defined immediately after the class definition (one with the static keyword, one without). In Python, only class attributes can be defined here; data attributes are defined in the __init__ method. |
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If the name of a Python function, class method, or attribute starts with (but doesn't end with) two underscores, it's private; everything else is public. |
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In Python, all special methods (like __setitem__) and built-in attributes (like __doc__) follow a standard naming convention: they both start with and end with two underscores. Don't name your own methods and attributes this way; it will only confuse you (and others) later. |
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Python has no concept of protected class methods (accessible only in their own class and descendant classes). Class methods are either private (accessible only in their own class) or public (accessible from anywhere). |
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Python uses try...except to handle exceptions and raise to generate them. Java and C++ use try...catch to handle exceptions, and throw to generate them. |
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Whenever possible, you should use the functions in os and os.path for file, directory, and path manipulations. These modules are wrappers for platform-specific modules, so functions like os.path.split work on UNIX, Windows, Mac OS, and any other supported Python platform. |
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Python 2.0 had a bug where SGMLParser would not recognize declarations at all (handle_decl would never be called), which meant that DOCTYPEs were silently ignored. This is fixed in Python 2.1. |
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In the Python IDE on Windows, you can specify command line arguments in the “Run script” dialog. Separate multiple arguments with spaces. |
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The HTML specification requires that all non-HTML (like client-side JavaScript) must be enclosed in HTML comments, but not all web pages do this properly (and all modern web browsers are forgiving if they don't). BaseHTMLProcessor is not forgiving; if script is improperly embedded, it will be parsed as if it were HTML. For instance, if the script contains less-than and equals signs, SGMLParser may incorrectly think that it has found tags and attributes. SGMLParser always converts tags and attribute names to lowercase, which may break the script, and BaseHTMLProcessor always encloses attribute values in double quotes (even if the original HTML document used single quotes or no quotes), which will certainly break the script. Always protect your client-side script within HTML comments. |
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Python 2.2 will introduce a subtle but important change that affects the namespace search order: nested scopes. In Python 2.0, when you reference a variable within a nested function or lambda function, Python will search for that variable in the current (nested or lambda) function's namespace, then in the module's namespace. Python 2.2 will search for the variable in the current (nested or lambda) function's namespace, then in the parent function's namespace, then in the module's namespace. Python 2.1 can work either way; by default, it works like Python 2.0, but you can add the following line of code at the top of your module to make your module work like Python 2.2:from __future__ import nested_scopes |
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Using the locals and globals functions, you can get the value of arbitrary variables dynamically, providing the variable name as a string. This mirrors the functionality of the getattr function, which allows you to access arbitrary functions dynamically by providing the function name as a string. |
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Using dictionary-based string formatting with locals is a convenient way of making complex string formatting expressions more readable, but it comes with a price. There is a slight performance hit in making the call to locals. Ordinarily, it's not enough to worry about, but if you have a string formatting expression in a loop (including a list comprehension), you should probably stick with the normal tuple-based form. |
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unittest is available in Python 2.1 and later. Python 2.0 users can download it from pyunit.sourceforge.net. |
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The most important thing that comprehensive unit testing can tell you is when to stop coding. When all the unit tests for a function pass, stop coding the function. When all the unit tests for an entire module pass, stop coding the module. |
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When all your tests pass, stop coding. |
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Whenever you are going to use a regular expression more than once, you should compile it to get a pattern object, then call the methods on the pattern object directly. |
Chapter 1. Getting To Know Python
Chapter 2. The Power Of Introspection
Chapter 3. An Object-Oriented Framework
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Revision 3.4 | 31 May 2001 |
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Revision 3.3 | 24 May 2001 |
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Revision 3.2 | 3 May 2001 |
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Revision 3.1 | 18 Apr 2001 |
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Revision 3.0 | 16 Apr 2001 |
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Revision 2.9 | 13 Apr 2001 |
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Revision 2.8 | 26 Mar 2001 |
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Revision 2.7 | 16 Mar 2001 |
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Revision 2.6 | 28 Feb 2001 |
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Revision 2.5 | 23 Feb 2001 |
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Revision 2.4.1 | 12 Feb 2001 |
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Revision 2.4 | 12 Feb 2001 |
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Revision 2.3 | 9 Feb 2001 |
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Revision 2.2 | 2 Feb 2001 |
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Revision 2.1 | 1 Feb 2001 |
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Revision 2.0 | 31 Jan 2001 |
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Revision 1.9 | 15 Jan 2001 |
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Revision 1.8 | 12 Jan 2001 |
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Revision 1.71 | 3 Jan 2001 |
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Revision 1.7 | 2 Jan 2001 |
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Revision 1.6 | 11 Dec 2000 |
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Revision 1.5 | 22 Nov 2000 |
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Revision 1.4 | 14 Nov 2000 |
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Revision 1.3 | 9 Nov 2000 |
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Revision 1.2 | 6 Nov 2000 |
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Revision 1.1 | 31 Oct 2000 |
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Revision 1.0 | 30 Oct 2000 |
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